Abstract and full paper submission

Both submissions of Abstracts and Final Contributions (Optional) are performed online via the Conference website.

After completing this pre-registration form (alternatively click Register at the top right of the Conference website) and by choosing Author, you will receive an email to validate your Account. After validation, you will receive a second email with your Username and password, which will be used to login to your COMPDYN 2023 Account.

Abstract Submission

Prepare a one-page Abstract. Login to your Conference Account, click My Abstracts/My Papers, click Submit an Abstract, select the relevant category (Thematic Session, Minisymposium) and proceed with the Abstract Submission.

The deadline for uploading the one-page Abstract is 20 December 2022. You will receive the outcome of the review process of your Contribution by e-mail. Only ONE Contributed Paper will be allowed for each Registration

Final Contribution Submission (Optional) 

All authors who received via email a notification of acceptance of their Abstract are invited to submit online the corresponding Final Contribution. There is no limitation regarding the NUMBER of pages of the Final Contribution. Nevertheless, only Full Papers with 6 pages or more (including figures, tables and references) will be indexed in SCOPUS. Each Final Contribution should be written following the MS Word template that can be found below. The file has to be translated to portable document format (PDF) before submission. Authors must upload the PDF file, correctly formatted, at the Conference website. 

In order to submit your full-length paper login at your Conference Account, click My Abstracts/My Papers from the Account Menu, click Upload Full Paper (optional) and following the instructions submit your full-length paper in .pdf format. Full instructions for writing and submitting the final contribution can be found in the Submit your Contributions Section of the Conference website. The deadline for uploading the Final Contribution is 15 March 2023.

The Organizers do not commit themselves to include in the Proceedings any paper received later than this deadline. At least one of the authors must register and pay his/her registration by 25 April 2023 for their paper to be included in the Final Program of the Conference.

Prepare your Final Contribution according to the instructions given in the following template file:

COMPDYN 2015 Final Contribution Instructions
COMPDYN 2023 Final Contribution MS Word


COMPDYN 2023 Final Contribution Latex

Review Process

Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement

The COMPDYN 2023 Organizers are committed to ensuring the highest quality of the Conference proceedings.

Authors should assure the originality of their contributions, while providing the necessary citation/quotation, when including phrases or parts of the work of others in their papers. Plagiarism constitutes unethical academic behavior and is not accepted in any of its forms. The authors should be aware that their papers may be subject to plagiarism detection system during the review process.

Striving for the academic excellence of the COMPDYN 2023 Proceedings, the papers submitted, are peer reviewed to make sure that the content fulfills the academic standards. The submissions are also evaluated on the basis of proper use of terms and the quality of writing.