
We are pleased to inform you that the Final Technical Conference Programme of COMPDYN-UNCECOMP 2023 is now available for download.

Papers Presentation - Time and Equipment

All technical sessions will last 2 hours. Typical formats consist of six presentations of 20 minutes. The allocation for Plenary and Semi-Plenary Lectures is 40 minutes and for Keynote Lectures 30 minutes. The allocated time for each presentation includes Q & A. The Conference will not provide computers for presentation.

All presentations will be made with the presenter’s laptop computer using LCD projector. You are kindly requested to test your laptop with the projector in your session room during the break preceeding your presentation. No overhead projectors will be provided; therefore no presentations using transparencies will be possible.

We strongly encourage you to have a backup of your presentation in a USB storage device in the event of your laptop has a technical problem or is incompatible with the LCD projector. Make sure that you have the necessary cords /converters/adapters so that your laptop will work with Greek power outlets CEE 7/4, also called “Schuko” socket and the LCD projector.